I had a very interesting day. From being woken up by a ringing phone to having a very heated argument with the calling rather detestable character, my day couldn't possibly get any worse. And it didn't. My sister came over and the rest of the way was rather relaxing. Fast forward till 6:00 pm I was browsing the internet when I remembered a movie my girl friend was telling me about. I searched YouTube and found it.. the name of the movie was "the secret" and by was it ever eye opening and relieving. I am extremely happy to have watched that movie to remind me how important is the power of thought. I was starting to sway away from my old positive self. There always events in your life that make you doubtful, they change you spirit and they cause you to have negative thoughts... (e.g the detestable character I talked about) seriously I have never met a person like him...not in a good way. emotionally over reactive, ultra sensitive, annoyingly stubborn and oh he may or may not have the tourettes disease hahaha what else? once something is inside his head he thinks it is the reality... delusional pffff he thinks the world revolves around him... well yes it does...in his head. See what I'm doing here? that is negativity. I choose to put all this behind me and focus on the goodness in my life. I choose to be grateful for all the amazing people in my life, All the great thing I possess, all the love around me. I choose to block out all the nonsense, negative and useless difficulties.
I am starting a new challenge. One that will hopefully lead to life changing experience, loving memories, good health and prosperity! As the new year comes, I am going in with a new spirit and I am forgetting about all the things that swayed me from my happy self!!
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